FREE REPORT: "7 Mistakes to Avoid in Hiring a Copywriter"

Copywriting Reviews

Copywriting Reviews

Looking to boost response rates for your existing copy without starting from scratch? Consider the invaluable opportunity of having top copywriter Jody Madron review your copy and give you specific, actionable guidance sure to increase your campaign’s results.

Big Bang for Bigger Bucks

If you’re looking for a fast, affordable way to give your marketing results a lift…then Madron Marketing’s Copy Review services are the perfect tool for you.

For one low price, Jody Madron will review your existing sales copy – along with the promotions used by your competitors – and offer his expert opinion on how it might be improved.

And don’t worry – you won’t get a short list of difficult-to-understand ideas or page after page of marketing “jargon.”

You’ll get simple, easy-to-execute ideas for improving your copy…testing those ideas…and sustaining your results over time.

Copy Review Services

  • Review your marketing campaign objectives
  • Research and review your competitor’s marketing pieces, positioning, and copy
  • Review your specific marketing piece copy – including headline, copy, design, call to action, and more
  • Provide specific, actionable steps to make your copy boost your response and make your marketing campaign a winner

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The Advantage of a Fresh Perspective

Let’s face it…

All of us can benefit to some degree by getting a “fresh” opinion on our marketing ideas. In many cases, we become so bogged down with our day-to-day essential tasks…that we run out of time for developing new ideas to improve our results. And what’s more…because the time commitment involved in a copy review is far less than that of developing new creative, obtaining a detailed copy review is a tremendous bargain. Some clients have used these copy reviews as a way to “kick the tires” of Madron Marketing to see if we’re a good, long-term fit. Others have used the ideas provided to turn lukewarm promotional packages into blockbuster controls. Either way – it makes perfect sense. Pick up the phone and call Madron Marketing to find out how you can get your promotion on Jody Madron’s schedule for an expert copy review. But I must warn you – Jody Madron’s schedule is normally overloaded. In some cases, he is forced to turn away new clients during his busiest times. So please…call today and schedule your copy review before it’s too late!

Why contact Madron Marketing to review your marketing piece copy? Madron Marketing can help you:

  • Avoid spending big dollars on a marketing campaign that can be dramatically improved and yield the huge profit you’re looking for
  • Quickly convert a so-so piece into a runaway ROI magnet
  • Update a tired piece that can be reborn and renew profit potential in today’s marketplace
  • Reduce the risk of missing huge sales with a cost-effective copywriting review

Copywriting Review Pieces

Just a few of the types of copy that Madron Marketing provides copywriting reviews for

  • E-mail copy
  • Direct mail copy
  • Print ad copy
  • Sales letter copy
  • Investor relations campaign copy
  • Vitamin, health product copy
  • Financial newsletter marketing copy
  • Web site copy

30 Years of
Breakthrough Marketing Success

"7 Mistakes to Avoid in Hiring a Copywriter"